Brazil (en_GB)
Title | Location | Date | |
Sabará, MG, BR, 34505-320
HR Operations
Córrego do sítio (CDS)
Gold has been intermittently mined in the Santa Barbara and Barão de Cocais region since the 19th Century. Modern exploration was undertaken across the CdS area in the 1980s by Morro Velho and São Bento Mineração.
An AngloGold Ashanti FS for the oxide Ore Reserve, to be mined by open pit and treated in a heap leach plant, was approved in 1987. The CdS open pit operations started in the 1990s, with the first phase of production between 1990 and 1998.
In 2002 development of underground exploration drifts began at CdS I and in 2007 the São Bento Mine was acquired from Eldorado Gold Corporation.
A feasibility study for the sulphide Ore Reserve, to be mined underground and treated in a sulphide plant, was concluded in 2010. Implementation followed and the ramp-up was concluded in 2012. In 2011, there were major renovations to the structure of the São Bento metallurgical plant that were completed in 2012.
In 2013, the crushing circuit was improved to optimise the throughput.